Saturday, May 2, 2009

Show Me the Money!!!!

Remember when we were young and we used to wait for our Pocket Money and the joy and the happiness associated with it. Well its the same feeling i get every 1st day of the month. and unfortunately that's the only good feeling which has been carried forward from my younger days.

Come the first day of the month and we can't wait to grab the salary what we earned for. No matter , whether we were just warming up our seats or staring aimlessly at the computer . It's the beginning of a new month. A whole month of experience gone by and another whole month of paying bills, bills and more bills.

During our younger days we would spend the money on all the fun things in life. Then we didn't have to prioritize and even if we had to we had to it was between 2 good but different things. But now It's a challenging thing of prioritizing what needs primary importance. Loans v/s a Fine dine at a good restaurant, Movies v/s Payment of Instalments etc etc

Credit Cards a.k.a Plastic Money a.k.a The Persuader. They will be the first to know when we are short of money as they both are neighbours in the wallet. They would shout out "Use me and Buy NOW, Pay LATER" and as the human mind goes we give in to their persuasion.Thus we blame it on the human mind. And its amazing to see how quickly the LATER comes when we buy NOW. Days have lost its consistency. It would be short one day and longer the next day and the days are smart too, they adjust as per our inconvenience.

How much ever we say Money isn't everything, ultimately we run behind money. We go to a store we bargain, we fight for salary hikes, the companies are trying to cut cost in order to have more money. Ultimately it all ends up having more money. and we say Money isn't everything. Well it may not be everything, But its definitely a lot more than something.

And if you feel your friends are getting away from you or are forgetting you, Just borrow some money and give the payments a miss. One of the best ways to make people realise that you are alive. Trust me. It works. I've tried it

So Money talks my dear friends and yet it can make one silent. Money is undeniably the one of the strongest asset in the world, rich or Poor, Money is definitely crucial to life.

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